How long does temporary straightening last
We all love our hairs and we usually take care of but still, we face some hair breakage or split hair issues. Many of us use a hair straightener for long and silky smooth hair.
Let's find out the ways:
Hair Straightening is commonly practiced in two methods: Temporary & Permanent; where Temporary is -chemical treatment & Permanent is Chemical Treatment. Straight hairs are considered as most trendy & fashionable hairstyles nowadays, which are suited for everyday events.
First, make sure you have washed your hairs properly; remove the oil from your hairs properly because if you do not rinse the whole oil out of your hairs
Temporary straightening as all it all depends on what model or brand of hair straightener you are using. If you have curly & extremely wavy hairs your straightening would approx.
Whereas permanent Chemical hair straightening lasts until the hair grows out and is cut off, but it may cause damage to your hairs.
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