Shipping Policy

JINRI® Ships Worldwide.

Our products are special, and they’re packaged with the greatest care so you receive them in perfect condition. JINRI’s customer service team is always ready to help you with all aspects of the shipping and delivery of your order, so please contact us with any questions and concerns. We want to ensure that you receive your order as quickly and efficiently as possible.

  • After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation email.
  • Please allow 1 to 3 business days to process your order.
  • Once your order is shipped, you will receive its tracking number in an email.
  • It can take up to 4 days for your tracking information to appear. Rarely, tracking details may not update, but you will still receive your order.
  • Products are shipped from United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and other warehouse.
  • We ship Monday through Friday, not on weekends or holidays.
  • Please note that if an incomplete or incorrect address is given, or if details are missing, it may delay processing. We suggest that you review your shipping and billing information before checking out to avoid unnecessary delays.
  • If you experience a problem with your tracking number or delivery of your order, please contact the courier directly before contacting JINRI.
  • If the estimated delivery time has passed, please contact us.
  • Shipping fees for all orders are nonrefundable.

United States/ United Kingdom/ Germany ORDERS

  • Orders shipped within the United States/ United Kingdom/ Germany and its territories will be delivered in 5 to 7 business days -- longer during the holidays.
  • We cannot guarantee Saturday deliveries, even with express shipping.


  • Order shipped within other warehouse around the order address.
  • Orders shipped internationally will usually be delivered in 15 to 25 days -- additional delays may occur during the holidays.
  • International orders take longer because they must pass customs before reaching the final carrier.